Common Mistakes in Bush Regeneration

21 February 2017
 Categories: Environmental, Blog

If you own a plot of land that is a bit barren and desolate or which is overgrown with weeds, you want to consider some type of bush regeneration. This refers to regenerating or healing an area of land, bringing in native plants and flowers, and keeping the soil healthier overall. Bush regeneration is a slow process and not something that can be done in just one attempt; trying to accomplish it this quickly can mean causing even more damage to the soil. Note a few common mistakes to avoid in bush regeneration and learn why this process may take longer than you actually expected.

1. Not addressing soil erosion

When a plot of land is barren and desolate, this is usually a problem with very dry soil, as even weeds and other such plants will grow where there is healthy soil. However, just trying to plant new vegetation in this area and watering the soil itself won't be successful if you don't address why soil is eroded in the first place. If there is runoff, meaning the land is sloped or has no barriers to moisture actually leaving the soil, all the watering you do to support your new vegetation will be wasted. Note if you need to add retaining walls at one end of the plot or mix a treatment in with the soil that will help to keep moisture in its place, avoiding future erosion and supporting your bush regeneration efforts.

2. Planting what looks good, not what will thrive in the area

You may love the look of certain plants and other vegetation, but if these are not native or need nutrients other than what can be supplied by the soil, this can mean having your plot of land barren and desolate again soon enough. You may feed and fertilise the soil before planting, but this won't keep that soil healthy over time. To ensure your bush regeneration efforts are successful, opt for vegetation that will thrive in the soil, given its overall condition, and don't make your choices based on appearance alone.

3. Not offering shade to the soil

When regenerating a plot of land, you may be afraid to plant trees, thinking they will use up too much moisture in the soil. In truth, trees provide shade that will result in less drying of the soil and less risk that other vegetation will wilt under the warm summer sun. Ask a bush regeneration specialist about the types of trees to plant in your area, and don't be shy about including them in your bush regeneration efforts.
